Innovative design backed by unmatched functionality has earned MARTOR Australia its reputation as the preferred cutting tool provider for over two decades. You can ensure the longevity and continuous performance of your MARTOR cutting tools by keeping up with proper maintenance. This article provides instructions on how to maintain your MARTOR Australia cutting tools in top shape for many years to come.


Frequent Cleaning

It's important to keep your cutting instruments clean to ensure their effectiveness and durability. On the blades, debris from various materials and general dirt can build up, causing corrosion and decreased effectiveness. These problems can be avoided by routinely cleaning your MARTOR Australia cutting tools with a soft cloth and a mild detergent. To maintain hygienic standards with regard to tools used in the food business, make sure you use food-safe cleaning agents and adhere to the suggested cleaning processes.


Blade Replacement and Inspection

Your cutting instruments may function less effectively over time if the blades are damaged or become dull. To keep your MARTOR Australia cutting tools operating well, you must routinely check your blades for signs of wear or damage. Genuine MARTOR Australia replacement blades should be used to replace any worn or damaged ones in order to maintain the quality and security of your tools. To prevent injuries, always use proper safety precautions when handling blades. Visit this link to learn more about our blade recycling program: 


Optimal Storage

The longevity of your cutting tools can be dramatically impacted by how you store them. Take care to keep your cutting tools dry, clean, and out of direct sunlight when storing them. Purchasing a proper storage option, such as a toolbox or a wall-mounted holder, may keep your tools organised for quick access and shield them from harm.


Routine safety inspections

Regular safety inspections of your MARTOR Australia cutting tools can help you find any problems that might compromise their functionality or durability. Verify the functionality of safety measures including automatic blade retraction as well as any loose or damaged parts. To keep your tools safe and functional, take immediate action on any problems.


The effectiveness and endurance of your MARTOR Australia cutting tools can be dramatically impacted by simple yet crucial maintenance. You can make sure that your cutting tools last for years to come by following this guide. Keep in mind that regular upkeep and maintenance not only extend the life of your instruments but also help to create a workplace that is safer and more productive. Trust the cutting-edge, creative solutions from MARTOR Australia to help you establish a more secure and efficient workspace.